3.1.1: Please provide E-copies of the letters of award for all the research projects and provide a consolidated note on all the projects indicating S No, Title of the project, amount of the project (INR in lakhs), project duration, Investigator name, awarding agency name, status. This note must to be endorsed by the head of the institution. Do not include grants by your sister institutions/own trust. Do not include grants in the form of equipments/software/skill development centres | Download |
3.2.2: Please provide report on each program along with Brochure/Photograph with date and captions; title of the workshops / seminars conducted in the last five years and list of resource persons. | Download |
3.3.1: Please provide document indicating in the data template against each paper about the presence of the paper in the UGC CARE list/Scopus/Web of Science/other clearly. Include SNo in the document to count the programs in a year. | Download |
3.3.2: Other publications are not published with ISBN or ISSN | Download |
3.4.3: Don’t include programs for your own students. Please provide consolidated report indicating Sl. No., name of the program, target audience, number of participants, collaborating agency, link to news paper report. | Download |
3.5.1: Don’t include MoU with your sister organizations. Please provide consolidated list showing SNo, MoU parties, Effective duration, mention of at least one program under MoU with details. Also provide e-copies of MoUs. | Download |